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Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) Loan

Empower Your Retirement Investment with SMSF Loans

How Do SMSF Loans Work?

A Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) is a type of superannuation fund in Australia that lets you manage your own superannuation investments for your retirement.

An SMSF loan lets the fund borrow additional funds to buy residential or commercial properties for investment purposes. The SMSF is the legal entity that takes on the loan, and any assets purchased with the borrowed funds are held in trust for the SMSF.

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The income generated from these investments – whether through rental returns or capital gains – is reinvested into your SMSF. It can be used to help service the loan, pay for expenses related to the property, and generally increase the fund’s value. It cannot be withdrawn before retirement except in certain allowed circumstances (e.g., financial hardship, terminal illness).

SMSF loans are different from other loans because they are structured under a limited recourse borrowing arrangement (LRBA), which means that the lender’s claim is limited to the property itself, protecting other assets within the SMSF.

What Are the Features of SMSF Loans?

Understanding the various features of SMSF loans is crucial, as it enables SMSF trustees to make informed decisions to optimise cash flow, minimise costs, and maximise the long-term growth of the SMSF’s assets. Key SMSF loan features include the following:

Loan Types

Residential Property Loans

These loans are specifically designed for purchasing residential real estate, which can produce rental income and potentially grow capital.

Commercial Property Loans

These loans are tailored for purchasing commercial properties such as office spaces, retail outlets, and industrial units. Commercial properties often have higher rental yields compared to residential properties.

Loan-to-Value Ratios (LVR)

The Loan-to-Value Ratios (LVR) for SMSF loans vary depending on the type of property. For residential properties, the maximum LVR can be up to 80%, whereas for commercial properties, it can be up to 75%. This means you can borrow up to these percentages of the property’s value, providing flexibility in financing.

Loan Terms

The loan terms for SMSF loans can extend up to 30 years for both residential and commercial properties. This allows for long-term planning and investment strategies, accommodating the need for extended repayment periods that align with retirement goals.

Interest Rates

SMSF loans offer both variable and fixed interest rate options. This flexibility lets you choose an interest rate structure that best suits your financial situation and investment strategy. Variable rates can offer lower initial rates and potential savings if interest rates drop, while fixed rates provide the security of consistent payments over time.

Minimum Loan Size

The minimum loan size for SMSF loans typically starts at $100,000, but this may vary across lenders.

Repayment Options

Principal and Interest Loans

Regular repayments cover both the loan principal and the interest. This method reduces the loan balance over time, ensuring the loan is paid off when the term ends.

Principal and interest repayments provide a clear pathway to debt reduction and ultimately, debt elimination. This stability is crucial for long-term financial planning, as it ensures the SMSF’s debt is managed and decreased steadily over time.

Interest-Only Loans

Payments during the interest-only period cover only the interest on the loan, with the principal amount remaining unchanged. This period typically lasts up to five years.

Lower monthly payments during this period can enhance cash flow, allowing the SMSF to allocate funds to other investments or cover operational expenses. This flexibility can be beneficial, particularly during the initial years of property ownership when expenses might be higher.

What Are the Factors to Consider Before Applying for an SMSF Loan?

Before applying for an SMSF loan, there are key aspects you need to consider:

Financial Position

You need to be prepared, as lenders will evaluate the fund’s current contributions, deposit amount, savings, and anticipated rental income from the property. They will also consider employment stability and the worth of the property.

Purpose of the Loan

Lenders will only approve loans if the funds are being used to purchase residential or non-specialised commercial property for investment purposes. The property you plan on purchasing using this loan must meet the following criteria. Disregarding these provisions can lead to severe penalties, including civil and criminal charges:

  • Separate Trust: The property must be held in a separate trust, known as a custodian or bare trust.
  • Sole Purpose Test: The property can only be used to offer retirement benefits to the members of the SMSF.
  • No Personal Use: The property cannot be lived in or rented by the SMSF members or their related parties.
  • Acquisition Restrictions: One cannot buy the property from a related entity of any member of the SMSF.

SMSF Structure

Your SMSF must have a corporate trustee. Lenders generally prefer this structure, as it provides greater legal protection and flexibility in managing the fund.

Compliance with Regulations

Your SMSF must be compliant with Australian superannuation laws. This includes having a trust deed that allows for borrowing and the use of LRBAs.

Minimum Asset Requirement

Lenders typically require your SMSF to have a minimum net asset value, often around $200,000, to ensure that the fund can fulfil its financial obligations.


You must demonstrate the fund’s ability to service the loan. This involves providing evidence of rental income from the investment property and other income streams within the SMSF.

Advantages of SMSF Loans


As an SMSF trustee, you have direct control over investment decisions. This allows you to select assets that match your financial goals and manage investment strategies according to your risk appetite and market outlook.

Tax Advantages

Income generated from SMSF investments, such as rental income or capital gains, is taxed at a concessional rate, which can significantly enhance your overall returns. Franking credits from dividends can also be claimed, further boosting the fund’s value. Additionally, capital gains tax on assets held for more than 12 months is reduced, making long-term investments more attractive and financially beneficial.

Flexibility and Diversification

SMSF loans provide flexibility with various investment choices and retirement planning strategies. You can invest in residential or commercial properties, shares, and other permissible assets, allowing for a diversified and balanced portfolio.

Cost Savings

By avoiding the management fees and charges typically associated with retail and industry super funds, you can lessen the overall costs of managing your superannuation. This reduction in fees means more of your funds are invested, potentially resulting in higher returns over the long term.

Disadvantages of SMSF Loans

Higher Costs

SMSF loans often come with higher interest rates and fees than traditional home loans, making them more expensive to service. In addition, since superannuation laws must be obeyed to the letter, this can entail both lots of time and legal expenses.

Complex Management

Managing an SMSF and complying with Australian superannuation and taxation laws involves significant legal and administrative work, requiring a thorough understanding of these regulations and often necessitating the assistance of a professional.

Liquidity Risks

Investing in properties means that your SMSF’s assets are difficult to convert into cash easily in the event that you need liquid cash. In addition, SMSF funds to purchase property can reduce the liquidity of your super fund, potentially making it more difficult to cover loan repayments and other expenses, especially if the property fails to generate the expected rental income.

Strict Lending Criteria

Obtaining an SMSF loan can be more challenging due to strict lending criteria, including the need for a significant deposit and evidence of the fund’s ability to service the loan.

Limited Lender Options

Not all lenders offer SMSF loans, limiting your choices and possibly leading to less favourable loan terms compared to those available for other types of investment loans.

How to Apply for an SMSF Loan?

Using the information discussed above, you can do a cost-benefit analysis to decide if an SMSF loan is the best option for you. If your answer is “yes,” you can now proceed to the application process for an SMSF loan, which involves the following key steps:

Step 1: Setting Up an SMSF for Property Investment

If you don’t have an SMSF yet, of course, you first need to formulate one, which has to be approved by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) standards. This will involve a tax file number (TFN) and an Australian business number (ABN) unique to the SMSF, as well as a transactional account for the new SMSF.

Adding to that, you’ll also need to create a trust deed that outlines the rules for operating your SMSF, and appoint individuals or a corporate trustee to manage the SMSF. Ensure your trust deed complies with superannuation laws.

Step 2: Developing an Investment Strategy

Formulate your SMSF’s investment strategy to guide your property selection. Ensure that it includes provisions for borrowing and investing in property and aligns with your SMSF’s objectives and risk profile. Keep in mind that the property must pass the sole purpose test to qualify for SMSF investment.

Step 3: Setting Up a Separate Trust

Create a bare trust or custodian trust to hold the property being purchased. This trust acts as the legal owner of the property until the loan is repaid and ensures that the loan is an LRBA.

Step 4: Finding a Suitable Property

Identify a residential or commercial property that fits your SMSF’s investment strategy. Ensure the property complies with SMSF regulations and is intended solely for investment purposes.

Step 5: Applying for an SMSF Loan

Submit your SMSF loan application with a lender. You will need to provide detailed documentation, including the following:

  • Certified Copy of the SMSF Trust Deed: This document presents the rules and regulations governing your SMSF.
  • Certified Copy of the Custodian Trust Deed: This document details the terms under which the property will be held on trust for the SMSF.
  • The Contract of Sale for the Property
  • Financial Information: You must provide 2 years of audited financial statements for the SMSF, 12 months of bank statements, rental estimates if applicable, and the most recent SMSF tax return.

Step 6: Loan Assessment and Approval

Lenders will review the submitted documentation to evaluate the financial stability of your SMSF and its ability to service the loan. If your application meets the lender’s criteria, including maintaining a minimum amount within the SMSF after the property purchase – which ensures that the fund remains liquid and can cover ongoing expenses – the loan will be approved.

Step 7: Finalisation and Settlement

The final steps include the settlement of the property and the commencement of loan repayments. It’s essential to ensure that all documentation is correctly processed and that the property purchase aligns with the investment strategy of the SMSF.

Is Professional Advice Required When Applying for SMSF Loans?

While seeking independent financial, legal, and tax advice is not a legal requirement when dealing with SMSF loans, it is highly recommended, given the complexity and strict regulatory environment surrounding them.

Licensed financial planning professionals, legal practitioners, and those specialising in SMSF can help you with the following – better safe than sorry!

  • Compliance: SMSF loans must comply with the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act (SIS Act) and ATO regulations. Professional advice helps ensure that the SMSF meets all legal and compliance requirements.
  • Complexity: SMSF loans involve complex financial arrangements, including the need to set up a bare trust, and require a deep understanding of superannuation laws and property investment strategies.
  • Risk Management: Independent advice can help identify and mitigate potential risks associated with SMSF loans, such as compliance breaches and investment pitfalls.
  • Tax Implications: Professional advice ensures that all tax obligations are met and helps optimise tax benefits associated with SMSF loans.
  • Investment Strategy: Financial advice is crucial to align the SMSF loan with the overall investment strategy and retirement goals of the SMSF members.

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We Are Here To Help

We recognise that each family’s financial journey is unique. We specialise in assisting Australians with setting up and managing Self-Managed Super Funds (SMSFs) and securing SMSF loans. Our team provides tailored advice and support throughout the entire process, ensuring compliance with regulations and maximising your retirement savings. From initial setup to ongoing management, we offer comprehensive solutions designed to help you make informed decisions and achieve your financial goals. With our expertise, you can confidently navigate the complexities of SMSFs and leverage SMSF loans to enhance your investment strategies.

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Need Assistance?

Are you considering using your SMSF to invest in property? Understanding SMSF loans and their intricacies can be overwhelming without expert guidance. Trust our experienced finance brokers in Sydney to provide the necessary support and advice, ensuring you make informed and confident investment decisions.

As seasoned brokers, Unconditional Finance can offer expert advice on regulatory compliance, simplify the loan application process, help you avoid costly mistakes, and optimise loan solutions to meet your needs and maximise your retirement savings. Contact us today to get started.

Loan Benefits

There are a number of benefits to using your medical profession when applying for a home loan:

Faster Loan Approval

As doctors have more lenient eligibility requirements when it comes to applying for home loans, the approval process can often be faster than that of traditional loans. This is especially beneficial if you need to buy quickly or are buying in a competitive market.

Higher Loan Amounts

Most lenders also typically allow doctors to borrow more than people employed in other professions. This is because medical professionals are considered to be high-income earners with the ability to repay larger loan amounts.

Lower Interest Rates

Most lenders typically offer more interest rate discounts on doctor home loans than they do for traditional loans. This is because medical professionals are considered a low-risk group with a stable income and good job security. Lower interest rates can save you thousands of dollars over the lifetime of your loan.

No Ongoing Fees

In some cases, home loans for doctors may not have any ongoing fees (such as annual or account-keeping fees). This can save you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars over the lifetime of the loan.

Plus Other Benefits 

Other additional features that you may be offered as a part of your home loan could include offset accounts or redraw facilities, which can help you to save on interest and manage cash flow.

Faster Loan Approval

As doctors have more lenient eligibility requirements when it comes to applying for home loans, the approval process can often be faster than that of traditional loans. This is especially beneficial if you need to buy quickly or are buying in a competitive market.

Higher Loan Amounts

Most lenders also typically allow doctors to borrow more than people employed in other professions. This is because medical professionals are considered to be high-income earners with the ability to repay larger loan amounts.

Lower Interest Rates

Most lenders typically offer more interest rate discounts on doctor home loans than they do for traditional loans. This is because medical professionals are considered a low-risk group with a stable income and good job security. Lower interest rates can save you thousands of dollars over the lifetime of your loan.

No Ongoing Fees

In some cases, home loans for doctors may not have any ongoing fees (such as annual or account-keeping fees). This can save you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars over the lifetime of the loan.

Plus Other Benefits 

Other additional features that you may be offered as a part of your home loan could include offset accounts or redraw facilities, which can help you to save on interest and manage cash flow.

Your Home Loan Questions Answered

SMSF loans enable SMSF trustees to borrow funds to invest in property. The property remains in a custodian trust until the loan is repaid. Income generated from the property is reinvested into the SMSF to service the loan or increase the fund’s value. Once the loan is fully repaid, the property title is transferred to the SMSF.

Official laws regarding the use of super funds state that one cannot use the funds to buy a residence. The property can only be used to provide retirement benefits, and one cannot use the property for one’s own residence or for renting it out to family members.

There is no required amount, but generally, SMSFs require a large sum of money for the property’s acquisition and expenses. Banks tend to expect SMSFs to hold about $10% to $20% of the funds after the purchase has been made.

Typically, lenders provide up to 80% of the property value for residential properties and up to 75% for commercial properties. However, the amount you can borrow depends on the financial situation and serviceability of your SMSF, as well as the value of the property.

Due to the higher risk involved, SMSF loans’ interest rates are generally higher than those of regular home loans. Rates can be fixed or variable, and it is advisable to check with different lenders to compare the rates offered.

Common fees include an application fee (usually a percentage of the loan amount), ongoing monthly fees, and other fees related to the loan establishment and maintenance. These fees can vary between lenders.


Yes, refinancing an SMSF loan is possible. When refinancing, the original property must remain as security, and the SMSF must still comply with ATO regulations.


Refinancing can provide various benefits, including lower interest rates, reduced monthly repayments, and better loan terms. It can also help consolidate debts and improve the cash flow of your SMSF, potentially leading to increased savings and investment growth within the fund.

Why Choose Unconditional Finance?

Minimal Paperwork

We dedicate ourselves to working efficiently to save our clients both time and money. Additionally, we’re pleased to arrange meetings at times that suit your schedule.

Maximise Your Savings

We help our clients save money by offering expert guidance and customised mortgage solutions. By negotiating competitive interest rates and identifying cost-saving opportunities, we ensure our clients get the best possible deals.

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25+ Years Expertise

Over our 25+ years as mortgage brokers, we have helped countless individuals and families reach their financial goals.

Finding Home Loans For Doctors

Whilst home loans are usually used to purchase somewhere to live, we understand that situations can quickly change when dealing with the medical profession. A doctor may be living in a capital city, for example, but decide to work in a rural location for a period of time. The property they bought as an owner-occupier could suddenly become an investment property six months down the line.

The team at Unconditional Finance can help doctors and other medical professionals to find a home loan that suits their particular situation.

Doctors Are Securing Home Loans With Uncondtional Finance

While it might seem simple for medical professionals to secure a home loan, the additional benefits offered make this process more complex. The team at Unconditional Finance has many years of experience in home loans for doctors; we take the time to understand your unique situation and needs and then find a loan to suit you. Whether you need to meet with us after hours, at your workplace or even at your home, we are committed to making the application process as convenient as possible.

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Basking in the glow of MFAA (Mortgage and Finance Association of Australia) approval, we stand tall as certified mortgage brokers right here in Sydney.

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We're proud of our rich tapestry of more than 20 years, throughout which we've aided countless clients in realising their financial dreams.


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At Unconditional Finance, we place your aspirations and necessities at the heart of our operations. When you join hands with us, be assured your interests are our prime concern.

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