Essential Property Professionals for Buyers

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Starting the journey of buying a property can be daunting, like navigating the open seas without a map or compass. This guide will act as your navigation tool, providing information on the essential property professionals you need on your crew to make the journey successful. You’ll gain an understanding of their roles, value, and how they can help chart the course to your dream property.

Your Property Professionals Team: Who You Need On Board

Mortgage Broker

Your journey to owning property commences with finding the right financial package. As your financial compass, a top-notch Sydney-based mortgage broker from Unconditional Finance ensures you stay on course. These experts don’t just match lenders and interest rates; they align these with your unique circumstances. They work tirelessly to find the appropriate mortgage, evaluating your borrowing capacity and government grants or incentives eligibility. With a skilled mortgage broker navigating, you can avoid expensive detours and streamline your property buying adventure.


Understanding the legal sea chart of property buying requires the expertise of a solicitor or conveyancer. They help decipher the cryptic language of contracts and ensure a clear title to your property. Their knowledge guides you through legal aspects such as stamp duty, taxes, and settlement obligations. With their guidance, you can sail confidently through the legal waters of property buying.

Buyers Advocate

In the property market, a buyer’s advocate is your trusted first mate. While real estate agents serve the interests of the sellers, buyers’ advocates are there exclusively for you. They understand your property aspirations, scout for suitable properties, and negotiate the best price on your behalf. Access to off-market properties and expert advice ensure you dock at the perfect property.


Navigating the financial implications of buying a property is akin to traversing a stormy sea. An accountant is your lighthouse, providing insights on tax obligations, ownership options, negative gearing benefits, depreciation, and expenses. Their guidance helps you strategise, minimise tax liabilities, and discover potential benefits or incentives. They help set up a financial structure that enhances your investment, setting you to financial success.

Financial Planner

A financial planner is your star to steer by, vital in assessing the impact of property investment on your overall financial plan. They advise on financing strategies, analyse how property aligns with your goals, and ensure your finances match your aspirations. They help optimise your cash flow, evaluate insurance coverage, and chart a course for a secure financial future.

Pro Tip – Seek Expert Guidance

Don’t sail solo on your property buying adventure. Surround yourself with a team of experts who can provide guidance and advice based on years of experience. This will not only streamline your journey but also help avoid common pitfalls.


Assembling the right property professionals is crucial, particularly for self-employed borrowers embarking on the property buying journey. A mortgage broker, solicitor/conveyancer, buyers advocate, accountant, and financial planner each bring unique skills to the table. Their collective expertise saves you time and money and provides the guidance for successful decision-making. Set sail with your dream team from Unconditional Finance, and make your property buying journey an exciting and rewarding adventure.


How does a mortgage broker save me time and money?

A mortgage broker simplifies your property buying journey by comparing lenders and interest rates and assessing your eligibility for grants and incentives. This ensures you secure the best possible mortgage and avoid costly mistakes.

Why should I choose a buyers advocate over a real estate agent?

Unlike real estate agents who represent sellers, buyer advocates serve your interests exclusively. They understand your property needs, locate the right properties, and negotiate the best price on your behalf. Their access to off-market properties and impartial advice empowers you to make informed decisions and confidently navigate the property buying journey.
