How Self-Employed Individuals Can Secure Home Loans in Sydney

We help you with home loan solutions.

Self-Employed Individuals Can Secure Home Loans

Finding a home can be tough, especially for those who are self-employed individuals. Self-employed home loans are designed to help business owners and freelancers in Sydney secure the homes they desire, despite the complexities of their income streams.
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This blog covers everything you need to know about self-employed home loans, from qualifying criteria to the application process and tips for success.

At Unconditional Finance, we prioritise making the mortgage process as smooth and straightforward as possible for our clients. Our team of experienced Sydney mortgage brokers is dedicated to helping you find the best loan options tailored to your unique financial situation. Whether you’re just starting your business or have years of self-employment under your belt, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

With our extensive knowledge and personalised approach, Unconditional Finance ensures that you receive the best advice and support throughout your home loan journey. Our goal is to make homeownership a reality for all self-employed individuals in Sydney. 

Understanding Self-Employed Home Loans

What are self-employed home loans? 

Self-employed home loans are specifically designed for individuals who run their own businesses or work as freelancers. These loans help self-employed people in Sydney purchase homes, even if their income isn’t as straightforward as those with regular salaries. If you want to explore your options, our mortgage brokers in Sydney are here to help you find the best fit for your needs. 

Can self-employed individuals get a mortgage? 

Yes, self-employed people can get a mortgage. Lenders review your income, credit score, and financial history to decide if you qualify. It might require more documentation, but many self-employed individuals successfully secure home loans. Wondering if you qualify for a mortgage? Our team can provide personalised advice tailored to your situation. Please call us at 1300 484 390 or enquire online.

Qualifying for a Mortgage

Who is eligible for a self-employed home loan? 

To be eligible for a self-employed home loan, you generally need to meet the following criteria:

  • Minimum Time in Business: At least two years of self-employment history.
  • Consistent Income: Steady and reliable income that can be verified.
  • Good Credit Score: A solid credit history showing responsible borrowing.
  • Necessary Documentation: Ability to provide detailed financial documents.

What are mortgage lenders looking for? 

Mortgage lenders consider several key factors when evaluating self-employed applicants:

  • Stable Income: A consistent income history over the past two years.
  • Creditworthiness: A good credit score that demonstrates reliable debt repayment.
  • Financial Stability: A low debt-to-income ratio indicates manageable debt levels.
  • Comprehensive Documentation: Complete and accurate financial records.

For insights on what lenders look for in self-employed applicants, our team is ready to assist you. Get in touch for personalised guidance.

Required Documentation

What documents do you need to provide? 

When applying for a self-employed home loan, you will typically need to provide the following documents:

  • Tax Returns: Submit your personal and business tax returns from the last two years.
  • Profit and Loss Statements: Detailed statements showing business income and expenses.
  • Bank Statements: Provide recent bank statements for both personal and business accounts.
  • Business License: Proof of business registration or license.
  • Ownership Proof: Documentation verifying your ownership of the business.

When you’re ready to apply, we’ll help you gather and prepare all the necessary documents for a smooth process. Connect with us today.

What do lenders check on self-employed tax returns? 

Lenders scrutinise your tax returns to assess your financial health, focusing on:

  • Total Income: Your gross and net income after expenses.
  • Expense Claims: Business expenses that may affect your net income.
  • Income Consistency: Stability and trends in your income over the years.
  • Net Profit: The final profit after all expenses, which is crucial for loan approval.

Income Considerations

How do lenders calculate income for self-employed mortgage applicants? 

Lenders calculate self-employment income by averaging the net income from your tax returns over the past two years. They may also consider any business expenses that can be added back to your net income.

How much of your self-employed income qualifies? 

Not all your income may qualify. Lenders look at your net income after expenses and any adjustments made to it. Keeping accurate records and minimising deductible expenses can help. Need help understanding how much of your income qualifies? Contact us for a consultation.

What if you’ve been self-employed for under two years? 

If you’ve been self-employed for less than two years, you might still qualify if you have a strong income history and a good credit score. Some lenders might consider your case on an individual basis.

Why does separating business and personal expenses help with mortgage approval for self-employed individuals?

Keeping business and personal expenses separate makes your financial records clearer and easier to understand. This transparency helps lenders accurately assess your financial health, improving your chances of mortgage approval.

Application Process

How does the application process work for self-employed individuals? 

The process involves gathering documents, getting pre-approval, submitting a full application, undergoing underwriting, and finally, loan approval and closing. Lenders will closely review your income and financial stability. Start your application process with us to streamline your path to homeownership.

How do you apply for a mortgage as a self-employed employee?

Applying for a mortgage as a self-employed individual involves a few key steps. Here’s an easy guide to help you through the process:

  • Choose a Lender: Find one experienced with self-employed borrowers.
  • Prepare Documents: Collect financial records like tax returns and bank statements.
  • Submit Application: Fill out and submit your mortgage application.
  • Work with Underwriters: Provide additional information if needed.
  • Close the Loan: Finalise the loan agreement and sign.

What steps should be taken to prepare for a self-employed home loan application?

Preparation is crucial when applying for a mortgage. Follow these steps to get ready:

  • Ensure all documents are up-to-date.
  • Pay off your debts and maintain good credit habits.
  • Try to save a large amount for your down payment.
  • Get professional advice to understand your options.

We’ll guide you through each step of the mortgage application process, ensuring it’s smooth and stress-free. For support, reach out to our mortgage brokers.

What do you need to apply for a mortgage as self-employed?

Having all the right documents can make your application process smoother. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Tax Returns: Personal and business returns for the last two years.
  • Profit and Loss Statements: Records showing income and expenses.
  • Bank Statements: Recent personal and business account statements.
  • Business License: Proof of business registration.
  • Credit Report: Your credit history.

If you need a comprehensive document checklist, we’re here to help. Contact us to get started.

When is a good time to apply for a mortgage if you are self-employed? 

Apply when your income is stable, your credit score is good, and you have enough savings for a down payment. Keeping your finances in order can help you get approved.

Tips for Success

How can self-employed people increase their chances of getting a loan?

Increasing your chances of loan approval involves careful financial management. Consider these tips:

  • Maintain Accurate Records: Keep detailed and organised financial records.
  • Separate Finances: Keep business and personal accounts separate.
  • Save More for a Bigger Down Payment: This can make you a more attractive borrower.
  • Improve Credit Score: Pay debts and avoid new credit before applying.

Tips to put your best application forward

Follow these steps to make your application stand out:

  • Organise Documents: Ensure all paperwork is complete and accurate.
  • Work with a Broker: They can find the best deals and guide you.
  • Be Honest: Provide accurate information to avoid delays.
  • Prepare for Questions: Be ready to explain any financial inconsistencies.

Speak with one of our mortgage advisors for advice that fits your financial situation. We’re here to assist.

Loan Options and Rates

What loan options are available for self-employed individuals?

Self-employed individuals in Sydney have a variety of loan options to choose from:

  • Personal Loans: Borrow a set amount for personal expenses.
  • Business Credit Cards: Use credit cards specifically for business expenses.
  • Bank Statement Loans: Use bank statements instead of tax returns to verify income.
  • Business Loans: Borrow money specifically for business needs.
  • Conventional Mortgages: Standard home loans requiring good credit and steady income.
  • Low-Doc Home Loans: Easier qualification with minimal documentation.
  • Cash Advances: Short-term loans based on future sales or earnings.
  • Online Loans: Quick, accessible loans available through online lenders.
  • Lines of Credit: Flexible borrowing where you draw funds as needed up to a limit.

Are there special loan programs for self-employed individuals? 

Yes, some lenders offer tailored programs to meet the unique needs of self-employed borrowers, making it easier to qualify. 

Low and No Document Home Loans 

These loans require minimal paperwork, and bank statements are used instead of tax returns to check income. They’re great for those with complex financial situations. 

Interested in low-doc home loans? Learn more about how they work and if they’re right for you by reaching out to us today.

Home Loans for Self-Employed Under 2 Years 

If self-employed for less than two years, you may still qualify by showing a strong income history and good credit. Some lenders consider individual cases based on overall financial health.

Choosing a Mortgage Provider

How do you choose a self-employed mortgage provider? 

When selecting a mortgage provider in Sydney, consider the following factors:

  • Compare Rates and Fees: Look at different interest rates and fees to find the best deal.
  • Customer Service: Look for lenders who offer responsive and helpful customer support.
  • Reputation: Research reviews and ratings to gauge the lender’s reliability and trustworthiness.
  • Experience with Self-Employed Borrowers: Choose lenders who have experience and success in working with self-employed clients.
  • Flexibility: Check if the lender offers flexible terms and conditions that cater to self-employed individuals.

Searching for the best lenders for self-employed individuals? We’ve got you covered. Contact us for a list of top options.

Shop Around for a Mortgage Provider 

Take the time to compare multiple lenders. Look for those who offer competitive rates and understand the unique challenges of self-employment. Visiting local banks, credit unions, and using online mortgage comparison tools can help you find the best options.

Review Self-Employed Mortgage Alternatives 

Consider alternative mortgage options designed for self-employed individuals, such as low-documentation loans or bank statement loans. These alternatives often have more flexible requirements and can simplify the approval process.

Understanding Requirements

Understand the Self-Employed Mortgage Requirements 

To qualify for a self-employed home loan in Sydney, you generally need:

  • A stable income history over the past two years.
  • A good credit score indicates responsible borrowing.
  • Detailed financial records, including tax returns and profit and loss statements.
  • A reasonable debt-to-income ratio shows manageable debt levels.

Understand the requirements and how to meet them with the help of our experts. Reach out to us for detailed information.

Can you get a joint mortgage if one person is self-employed? 

Yes, you can. For a joint mortgage, the lender checks both applicants’ incomes, credit scores, and financial histories. If the employed partner has a stable income, it can boost your application.

Exploring joint mortgage options when one partner is self-employed? Our team can help you navigate the process. Contact us to find out more.

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We Are Here To Help

As a trusted and award-winning mortgage broker, we understand that every family’s financial journey is unique.

We build lasting partnerships by offering proactive, responsive, and personalised mortgage solutions. Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or a business owner looking to expand, we streamline the mortgage process to ensure an enjoyable experience.

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Considering Taking Out a Loan? Unconditional Finance Simplifies the Process.

Unconditional Finance Is Here To Walk You Through The Process.

Loan Benefits

There are a number of benefits to using UF team.

Faster Loan Approval

Our team can act swiftly and have long-term relationships to help fast-forward the loan process. This is especially beneficial if you need to buy quickly or are buying in a competitive market.

Higher Loan Amounts

As you can see on some of our clients’ reviews, we have generated higher loan amounts than other brokers our clients consulted before selecting our team.

Lower Interest Rates

Our negotiating power and long term relationships allow us to find the lowest rates available. Lower interest rates can save you thousands of dollars over the lifetime of your loan.

No Ongoing Fees

Some home loans tailored for certain professionals may not include ongoing fees, such as annual or account-keeping charges. This can make a significant difference over the lifetime of the loan.

Plus Other Benefits 

Additional features that might be included with your home loan could involve either offset accounts or redraw facilities.

Faster Loan Approval

Our team can act swiftly and have long-term relationships to help fast-forward the loan process. This is especially beneficial if you need to buy quickly or are buying in a competitive market.

Higher Loan Amounts

As you can see on some of our clients’ reviews, we have generated higher loan amounts than other brokers our clients consulted before selecting our team.

Lower Interest Rates

Our negotiating power and long term relationships allow us to find the lowest rates available. Lower interest rates can save you thousands of dollars over the lifetime of your loan.

No Ongoing Fees

Some home loans tailored for certain professionals may not include ongoing fees, such as annual or account-keeping charges. This can make a significant difference over the lifetime of the loan.

Plus Other Benefits 

Additional features that might be included with your home loan could involve either offset accounts or redraw facilities.

Your Home Loans Questions Answered

Yes, but it may be more challenging. Lenders prefer a two-year history but may consider applicants with a strong financial background, good credit, and a compelling business plan.

If you don’t qualify, focus on improving your credit score, increasing your savings for a larger down payment, or exploring alternative loan programs. Working with Sydney mortgage brokers can give you personalised advice and solutions.

Lenders typically prefer at least two years of self-employment history. However, some lenders may accept less if you have a solid income track record and good credit.

Lenders usually consider your net income (after expenses) as shown on your tax returns. This helps them assess your actual earnings and ability to repay the loan.

You will only qualify for a doctor’s home loan if you are applying for the mortgage together. If you are applying on your own, you will need to also be a medical professional in order to qualify.

Self-employed individuals can prove income by providing:

  • Tax Returns: Personal and business returns for the past two years.
  • Profit and Loss Statements: Detailed records of income and expenses.
  • Bank Statements: Recent statements showing cash flow.
  • Accountant Letters: Verification of earnings from a certified accountant.

Why Choose Unconditional Finance?

Minimal Paperwork

We are committed to working with efficiency and saving our clients time and money. We’re also happy to schedule meetings at times that are convenient for you.

Maximise Your Savings

We help our clients save money by offering expert guidance and customised mortgage solutions. By negotiating competitive interest rates and identifying cost-saving opportunities, we ensure our clients get the best possible deals.

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25+ Years Expertise

Over our 25+ years as mortgage brokers, we have helped countless individuals and families reach their financial goals.

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self-employed Home Loans Provide Enhanced Choices With Uncondtional Finance

We surpass conventional lending to present you with superior alternatives. Our customised solutions enable you to consider more appealing homes, find prime locations, and realise your homeownership aspirations more swiftly. Whether you’re purchasing your first home or moving to a new property, we are committed to making your experience more seamless and gratifying.

Superior Deals for Investors With Uncondtional Finance

If you’re eager to build wealth through property investment, we assist you in accessing a broader spectrum of opportunities.

Our expertise guarantees that you can make informed decisions.

Whether it’s a rental property, a fix-and-flip project, or a long-term investment, we are genuinely committed to broadening your options and maximising your returns.

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Work With Award-Winning Finance Brokers

MFAA Endorsed

Basking in the glow of MFAA (Mortgage and Finance Association of Australia) approval, we stand tall as certified mortgage brokers right here in Sydney.

Fully Qualified

As Unconditional Finance's driving force and founder, Chris leverages his industry expertise and personal investment acumen. Aside from bagging numerous accolades, including recurrent Top 100 Broker mentions, Chris savours family time and sports when off-duty.

A Legacy Spanning Over Two Decades

We're proud of our rich tapestry of more than 20 years, throughout which we've aided countless clients in realising their financial dreams.


Our mantle is laden with awards, as we've repeatedly been hailed as one of Sydney's top-tier mortgage brokers year after year.

Fully Licensed

Registered with ASIC and being fully licensed mortgage brokers, we're intimately acquainted with the industry's unique demands.

Centred On Your Goals

At Unconditional Finance, we place your aspirations and necessities at the heart of our operations. When you join hands with us, be assured your interests are our prime concern.

What Our Customers Say....

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We have been a client of Unconditional Finance since 2021, and we cannot speak highly enough of the exceptional services...
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We found Chris and his team incredibly helpful and responsive. They were very willing to explore all options available to...
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Asher McGlone
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I recently had a great experience working with Unconditional Finance, specifically with Chris, Mitchell, and Nicole, to...
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Highly recommend, Joel is great to deal with and is always looking for the best deal. The team is amazing...
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Chris and the team were great! Able to secure funds that exceeded my expectations after failed attempts with...
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Fantastic mortgage brokers. If your needing a team to assist you with your investment portfolio or a single finance...